Dr Pop’s Secrets of Good Health. Health 101

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HEALTH 101 – DR. POP’S SECRETS OF GOOD HEALTH, 2016, Paper, 6 x 9 , 231 pages

WHAT YOUR DOCTOR NEVER TOLD YOU… Inspirational Health Advice for the Open-Minded

How to Improve Your Health without Having a Medical Degree?

Read and Find Out!

Are you having health problems, are you trying to get better, yet having little results to show? Is it difficult to find answers? Are you confused, lost in a vast sea of internet “health” misinformation that offers very little wise guidance?

Unfortunately, without expert help, you don’t really stand a fighting chance in the health “jungle”! Why is that? Because the typical health care establishment is an immense disease management business system, not a wellness oriented charity!

Most doctors are blissfully ignorant pill pushers who at best give you a few minutes and you are out. They are more interested in billing insurance then helping you. They only treat symptoms and aren’t very interested in improving the root cause of any condition.

Do you have a real, expert doctor on your side, one that that can tell you straight what you need to do? In a simple, clear and practical way? The sad truth is that most doctors are not trained to help you in Health; they only treat illness.

In matters of personal health, you need a guide, who is swift, experienced, and efficient. You need a partner who can guide you out of the health jungle. When you feel lost, you need an experienced and knowledgeable guide who will have your back and take your interests to heart.

This book is such a trusted guide! In this book we tell you straight: what, when, and how to eat, what not to eat or drink, what dietary supplements to take, what works and what does not! We expose the most common myths and false concepts that can derail you from success.

There are no other books like this one, about Good Health, books that are written in clear, simple and practical terms without much science talk or medical studies. You can rely on this book to navigate successfully through a jungle of health misinformation, buried truths, and heavy commercial noise.

Dr. Pop’s book was intentionally written to be a clear, laser-focused, no-nonsense guide that captures the essence of good health.

Warning: Opinions on Health and individual cases may vary! For ANY diagnosis… ALWAYS Seek competent medical assistance… This book’s central idea is permanent lifestyle changes! This is not for you if you are not committed to permanent lifestyle changes or you are looking for the latest gimmick!

Some of the ideas you may encounter in this book are original, entirely the personal opinions of the author. For this reason, you may not find these concepts anywhere else during your research, at least not for some time, nor will you find agreement and approval of them from other doctors, academia, or health authorities.

These ideas are NOT the standard of care or even the standard of thinking. Many are new, cutting-edge, and unproven strategies. If you are only seeking the typical standard of care or expect standard treatments or suggestions, please DO NOT read this book.

Learn the principles and secrets of Good Health! You have a choice! This is your life!

Read this book! Be informed! Take action!


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