An intriguing read on basic human rights. October 12, 2017 – Posted in: Blog

I simply had to include this link to an article you simply have to read. Makes no difference which side of the political spectrum you occupy. You will be reasonably outraged… and yet… maybe not, if you subscribe to the basic premise.

Link to article

I don’t think I need, or even want, to make any commentary. I would love to, but no matter what I say or which side I align with, I will alienate roughly half the audience. No, it isn’t directly a publishing thing… just a way to show that it is pretty easy to pass laws that many/half/most of society might find inappropriate.

What if the next law is that publishers can’t send books into this state if they, whether non-fiction or fiction, support pro-abortion positions or tell stories that could be widely construed as pro-abortion? Just saying… I went through this with School Boards in many states during the 80’s and 90’s… I would hate to see it become state law!

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