Have you ever considered “joint marketing” with another publisher? September 5, 2017 – Posted in: Blog

Have you ever considered “joint marketing” with another publisher? Doubles your market and cuts costs in half. Why not?

Here is another quickie and no-brainer idea… yet, very few publishers ever even consider doing this. So, I guess it is up to me to suggest it.

This is why you count on my newsletters… for great ideas, good ideas, and sometimes, ordinary ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of yourself. ADV: It is but one of the things I recommend when I consult with clients on marketing, growth, and other subjects. END ADV.

Almost all publishers have a ‘complementary’ publisher with whom you could market. For example, if you publish supplemental books for high school students and you know a publisher who publishes supplemental books for elementary students… why not get together? Exchange lists? Or let the other publisher send your promotional materials to his/her list while you do the same for him/her?

You are non-competitive, and yet, reach much the same customer base and would both benefit from this exchange/working together arrangement without siphoning off business from the other.

There are many ways to make this work:

  • You can do equal number mailings of each other’s materials.
  • You can set pricing and discounts and actually ‘sell’ each other’s products to your own customers.
  • You can examine which products or product sets might be ‘combined’ and the ‘joint products’ could be sold to both markets.
« An intriguing read on basic human rights.